DELISH!!! Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Bread Pudding

DELISH!!! Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Bread Pudding

Hanna Lane Hanna Lane

We love supporting small businesses! We teamed up with Elements Truffles to create an Ayurveda-inspired, plant based Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Bread Pudding that will be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and healthy lifestyle.



  1. Heat oven to 350°F
  2. In a pan over medium heat, whisk together all of the ingredients, except the bread, until smooth and silky. Allow the mixture to warm just above room temp.
  3. Take the mixture off the heat and cut the CinnaSpice Bread into cubes.
  4. In a greased 8x8 pan, add the cubed bread and pour over the cocoa mixture. Use a spatula to make sure each bread cubes are fully covered in the mixture.
  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes.
  6. Optional - serve warm with melted Elements Truffles Spicy Cayenne with Cinnamon Chocolate and fresh strawberries!

CinnaSpice Bread

CinnaSpice Bread


About the Bread Gluten & Grain Free | Organic | Non-GMO | Paleo | Vegan | No soy, gum, refined sugars, eggs, dairy With the base of our Everyday bread, we hope you enjoy our festive Cinnamon & Spices bread. Perfect for… read more

CinnaSpice Loaf

CinnaSpice Loaf


About the Bread Gluten & Grain Free | Organic | Non-GMO | Paleo | Vegan | No soy, gum, refined sugars, eggs, dairy You asked for it! We are SO excited! With the base of our Everyday bread, we hope you enjoy… read more

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